At The Red Guild, we share periodic public updates on what we've done, what we're up to, and what's to come. This helps us stay accountable and committed to our work, while we open ourselves to the community.

If you missed it, here's last month's update:

The state of The Red Guild #12
What happened during June, and what’s next.
updates - The Red Guild
All updates from The Red Guild in a single place.

For today we've got:

Releasing Damn Vulnerable DeFi V4

July found us heads-down on our last sprints to have Damn Vulnerable DeFi ready for its latest release. On top of finalizing all challenges' code, we built a new version of the landing page!

Snippet of Damn Vulnerable DeFi's new landing page

We also wrote and released announcements to make some digital noise in the community.

One long article in the website:

Releasing Damn Vulnerable DeFi V4
Damn Vulnerable DeFi V4 is out!

One short article in the blog:

Releasing Damn Vulnerable DeFi V4
The latest version of the beloved smart contract security challenges is packed with updates. See what’s in it!

And one thread in X:

At least for a while, we're going to shift our focus away from Damn Vulnerable DeFi. The community needs some time to re-play old challenges, pass the new ones, and produce all that beautiful content in threads, articles and videos that they've got us used to.

In the meantime, we continue working on a spinoff version for beginners, to play some of its challenges in the browser.

Contributions to SEAL

We're members of SEAL, crypto's Security Alliance. Lately some of us have been almost full-time collaboration on a handful of initiatives within this group. We're leading and coordinating one initiative around operational security that we're sure you'll love. We hope to make it public in the upcoming months!


July was a month packed with dead time at airport lounges events. The main one obviously ETHCC, with aaaaalll its side-events. It was awesome to meet so many of you around Brussels ❤️

During July we also started planning the second half of the year. There's a nice set of conferences that we're going to attend. Including Ethereum Argentina, Ethereum Uruguay, DSS and Devcon. So we began brainstorming and outlining fresh pieces of content (talks, workshops, etc) to present at these events, as well as filling out the corresponding CFPs.

For DSS we submitted two workshops, one about Damn Vulnerable DeFi, and the other to teach about security risks and hardening of web3 development environments.

For Devcon, a 2-hour threat detection workshop, then a joint workshop with other security researchers to share experiences about the auditing process, and we have submitted a talk for one SEAL initiative.

Talking about Devcon... we got accepted as an impact team! That means we'll have our own cozy space at the conference, where you'll find us to meet and chat 🌈 We're already crafting some nice activities and swag to share at our booth, so if you're attending Devcon, make sure to come by!

And what about Ethereum Argentina and Uruguay?

What's next

  • Ethereum Argentina: we'll be participating as judges and mentors during the hackathon, as well as delivering a workshop on how not get pwned when dealing with code repositories.
Home -
Ethereum Argentina Buenos aires

We'll also do a talk with pablito.eth about crypto horror stories, doing recaps of projects that got rekt in the last year.

Some of us will be around participating in asados & meetups, preaching the Ethereum security gospel. We're planning a CTF, a security day, and organizing a Solidity bootcamp! On top of it, we're delivering a talk about our work at The Red Guild and SEAL.

Aleph, Ciudad de crecimiento
The Crecimiento Pop-Up City is a moment-in-time for these visionaries to come together with renowned experts, and transform Argentina into a world-leading startup & innovation hub.
  • Ethereum Uruguay: looking forward to also participating in Ethereum Uruguay! A talk? A workshop? Technical assistance? Crimping wires with our teeth? Who knows!

From August 15th to 17th, find us in Montevideo to argue about Gardel's nationality, which country drinks more mate, and well, security.

Ethereum Uruguay
Embracing Decentralization, Innovation, and Community for Ethereum’s Future.